The South has been my home since birth — Tennessee, to be exact. And though I may be called a “product of the South” … I like to think of it a little differently.
I’m an offspring of a long line of Scots-Irish and English with a little Cherokee mixed in for good measure. That conglomeration alone explains a lot…
I am a little Martha, Helen and Abe, sprinkled with Aunt Annie, Nina, Bobbie, Shirley, Faye, Irene, Lucille and Sarah. I’m a combination of Tom and Nancy. They passed down family traits – and some Pentecostal too. I’m country with a tiny bit of redneck — traditional (pass the cornbread and cowboy boots, please) and quirky.
On my never ending conveyor belt of ideas, these are some of the things I aspire to be:
Novelist — I will eventually finish the novel that I’ve been working on for ___ years. I’ll fill in the blank when I get it done. I did, however, publish a children’s book. Does that count?
Filmmaker— will make film of said novel, plus a few other things along the way.
Photographer — I’ve dabbled a bit here and there — the coveted first place photo prize at the county fair will be mine before it’s over!
Duet partner with Alan Jackson — I’ve sung in church choirs and a trio or two – now all that’s left is meeting Alan and setting up my audition.
Well, those are a few goals I felt led to share. At this rate, I won’t have time to get old or die! It’s a straight trip to heaven — do not pass “Go” … no stopping at the funeral parlor.
Oh yeah — I live in a double-wide.